Friday, November 30, 2012

Did you know books are a lot like us? Well, they are and we learned that this week when we read A Book Is Just Like You by Kathleen Fox. Just for fun, yes you can read just for fun! We read Margret and H.A. Rey's Curious George Visits the Library what a silly monkey! George loves books and the library just like us.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Mr. Wiggle loves books and so do we! This week we learned the difference between fiction and non-fiction books. Mr. Wiggle Loves to Read by Carol Thompson taught us fiction books are make believe and non-fiction books are true.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Duck decided he did not like the hard farm life and thought it would be easy to be President! Read Duck for President by Doreen Cronin and find out if Duck was elected President. We discussed our country, voting and Veteran's this week. Thank you to all who have and are serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Friday, November 2, 2012

What a wild week in Kindergarten!!! Ms Virginia Creeper was our guest librarian this week. She read Miss Smith and the Haunted Library by Michael Garland.  Miss Creeper read the Incredible Storybook and 'creepy' characters popped out to join Miss Smith's class. Ask you child about the characters and which one followed Miss Smith's class back to school.